Con el crecimiento poblacional que experimentamos en la actualidad, buscamos un lugar donde vivir de acuerdo a nuestros requerimientos y necesidades.
Etimológicamente su denominación proviene de la palabra inmóvil.
Existen una serie de factores al adquirir un inmueble, como por ejemplo la ubicación del lugar, material de construcción, el clima, crecimiento comercial en zonas aledañas, nivel de seguridad, situación legal y jurídica del área interesada, entre otros.
Los agentes inmobilairios por su parte, son una pieza fundamental en la asesoría y adquisición de algún departamento, residencia, terreno, casa u oficina requerida por clientes potenciales, realizando el proceso de compra, venta o alquiler de manera profesional y transparente.
With the population growth we are experiencing today, we look for a place to live according to our requirements and needs.
Those are considered property real estate property in question, having in common the fact of being closely tied to the ground, be inextricably linked, physically or legally, to the ground, such as parcels, urban or not, houses, farm calls, In short, they are impossible to transfer property or to remove soil without damage to them, because they are part of the land or are anchored to it.
Etymologically the name comes from the word still.
There are a number of factors when purchasing a property, such as site location, building materials, weather, business growth in surrounding areas, security level, legal and juridical situation of the area concerned, among others.
Estate agents in turn, are a cornerstone in the assessment and acquisition of any department, residence, land, home or office required by potential clients, making the process of buying, selling or renting a professional and transparent.